How does all of this relate to resizing an image? Well, by changing the image dimension, you are essentially changing the number of pixels, and thus changing the resolution. Resize Your Photo Interesting Resize Image Fact Sometimes you need to shrink down the file size and use a lower resolution image for a more user-friendly result. For example, using a high-resolution image on a website may take a while to load. Makes sense, right? Although having a high-resolution image is ideal, it may not be optimal in certain settings. So, reducing the height and width of an image means you are also reducing its file size. Image dimensions and file size are directly related, so the bigger the dimensions of an image, the bigger the size of the file. The file size of an image can be measured using kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB). Using an online image resizer can help alleviate resolution issues. The lower the resolution, the grainer, and the more pixelated it might look. The general rule of thumb here is that the higher the pixels, the higher the resolution, and thus the higher quality the image looks. The quality of an image can be measured by its pixel resolution. For example, a standard 4 x 6 inch picture equals 1200 x 1800 pixels.

You can convert inches into pixels, which comes in handy if you are looking to print pictures. Digital images can also be measured using pixels. You can measure the physical dimensions of a picture using centimeters (cm) or inches (in).